Worms R Us commercial Worm Farms
East Tamaki school , Otara
This school have 1x2m worm farm with two viewing windows and a foot step up so students can see inside the worm farm
![1x2m Commercial worm farm](https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/2468/3647/files/East_Tamaki_school_WAD_window.jpg?v=1620155714)
Worm Farms at Opotiki' District
Worm Farms At Villa Maria Vinery
They have 2 wooden style Worm farms and 1 latest design worm farm for their cafeteria waste
This is 1x1.5m Commercial worm farm with viewing window and a foot step
The below image is for 140ltr Worm Farm
This system got small side viewing window as well as tap to take out worm tea